Please indulge for just this entry while I cannot resist but to gush a bit.
I, amongst millions of others (as evidenced by looking at the National Mall this afternoon) am so extremely proud to have Barack Obama as my new president and to have been part of it if by only simply having cast my vote.
Do I think that this one single person can fix everything or can affect great change by himself? Of course not, but I believe in leadership. I believe leadership can affect great change both positively and negatively. I believe that great leaders realize that they are servants and aspire to replicate and reproduce service from others. I believe President Obama is one of these such leaders.
As I sat with my husband who also, more cautiously, but now assuredly, casts his support for Obama, and with my children, tears streamed down my face as we watched this momentous occassion, and tried to take it all that it may imply:
-that change has come, good or bad in anyone's opinion, change has come to America
-that anyone truely can aspire to be anything
-that we can come together on common ground, white and black, poor and affluent, republican and democrat, etc. if we really want to
-that if we work hard and work together, and work to our individual calling, we can fulfill our destinies and help our country to fulfill it's.
-that more rather than less people, have hope and optimism and faith and good intention
There is more nuances to a day like today than I can possibly begin to articulate. Let me just say that for today I am happy, hopeful, and little less cynical.
Some of my favorites of the day so far:
Tell me that this is not one of the most graceful, beautiful, elegant first ladies ever!
But this was my very favorite fashion item so far:
You Go 'Retha, that hat is awesome!
So Goodbye to the last 8 years. Gone but not forgotten, I think most of us collectively have learned a great many lessons these last years.
Goodbye Dick Cheney
Goodbye former Mr. President George Bush
Another awesome favorite:
A snippet from the benediction prayer,
Please listen through to the end:
There's just something about how we love new beginnings!
I'm so grateful to live in such a wonderful, blessed, country.
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